Digital dark-horse
Before having interview with web-writer I worried that I don’t really know what to ask him or her about. Moreover, I had no idea where to find one web-writer that will be happy to respond quickly to all my questions.
The first thing that came to my mind is simply to use Google search and it worked. came across; it offers a lot of services like designing, programming, advertising and of cause, web writing. Obviously, it is the best place to find web writer for any case that possible. They are ready to write any article for blogs, company websites, translation from any language to any other that I can possibly wish. It took just a few seconds to look for the person who would be my interviewee. Her name is Nen. I can only guess that it is HER.
That is the only thing I have found mystical is most of ghost writers keep their identity private, using only nicknames.
In fact, I wouldn’t even know do I chat with old representative of Columbian drug cartel writing for web when business is slow or with young late-twenties friendly lady supposedly Chinese or Malaysian origin, who responded as quickly as possible to my request.
Well, curiosity killed the cat…Therefore, credibility of this web writer could be only determined by number of positive comments under the profile. To stick to the point of my initial reason for browsing Fiverr, I are paying five dollars for this interview and not wasting any other second of Nen’s valuable time, the first I concern about is how long she has been working as a web writer and what is her normal day looks like. Unfortunately, not seeing each other in person, I can only imagine a little surprised, may be annoyed reactions of my opponent. I can only guess how fast she types and how loud keys click on her keyboard:
“I’ve worked as a web writer for 3 years, and being a web writer, you are not technically tied down to a 9-5 job, but because everyone else, including your employers are, you have to be strict and disciplined about your schedule as well. A normal day starts with me checking and responding to emails and work messages, and then I start working on my assignments, with the priority given to articles with tighter deadlines. I reach out to sources to arrange for interviews, I write articles, and I communicate regularly with my editors with updates or amendments.”
It seems to me, that work of web writer is pretty stressful because she has to meet deadlines almost every day. It makes me wonder what motivates her.
“Writing has always been my passion,”- she keeps typing, possibly smiling this time with enigmatic smile of Mona Lisa. “I started writing for online publishing companies/media outlets because I loved that I could help someone else be their voice in telling their story. Being able to speak to people from all walks of life and craft their stories into a well-produced piece…that motivates me.”
Oh, that ellipsis… It gives such an altruistic sense, unselfish approach to the writing she does. I was looking for some short answer such as: “Money” or “Fame” but I got that wrong… To compensate my coarseness of mind, I am asking Nen about the most creative piece she has ever written. This time her face probably is wearing agitated and even scared mask:
“I am not an adrenaline junkie. Once, I had to review a new indoor go kart race track, and I obviously had to participate. It’s a regular activity for most, but it took a lot of guts for me to do it. And because it was a review, I had to describe my experience, including the nerves and anxiety, creatively.”
I would like to keep asking my mythical interviewee more questions but magic of limitless five dollar payment vanishes and in the end of session I am questioning Nen what she considers the most important quality in online writing. Nen does not draw the line between writing for print and online. She is assuring me that accountability for information and facts is important as much as creativity and communication with you editors.
Wrapping up our chat by thankful formalities, she suddenly opens up:
“It’s always been a part-time job.”
And grinning Pablo Escobar distorted my imagination once again….